Sultankhan Ablakulav

Front-End developer

I'm a full-stack developer with 3 years of experience using Vue.js and Express.js to build awesome, reliable, responsive, automated, attractive Single Page Applications. Just forget about old reloading web sites. See further in my projects or check out my resume.

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What do I know?

I have experience with the web for 3 years building commercial and personal projects. Here's the quick overview of what I use to build cool web apps.

Vanilla JavaScript

JavaScript - the source of the web. My most favourite programming language. Simple, High-Quality code does all the good things we know.

Vue & React

These two frameworks (React is a library) are the way of the JavaScript developer. Pages are very dynamic without even reloading. My most liked is Vue.

Node & Express

JavaScript moves from client-side to server-side. Seems cool, isn't it? Node.js does support data saving in the backend. With the help of Express.js, we could make an MVC pattern or modern REST API in an easy way.


Python an easy, effective programming language that is my first learnt language. Mostly I use Python for automation. Django is Python's Web framework similar to Express.js.

npm & Gulp

npm - Node.js Package Manager. Gulp - Node.js pipeline builder.

HTML, CSS & Sass

Basics of the web. HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language; CSS - Cascading Style Sheets; Sass - CSS pre-proccessor, shorter code and effective result.

Mongo DB

Databases to build fully completed websites. All Data are stored in these technologies.

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Client: Personal Project
Eligendi laboriosam laudantium vel. Ab beatae deleniti deserunt dolorem dolores expedita harum illo minima, necessitatibus perferendis praesentium, repudiandae saepe sint! Dolorum ducimus iure maiores officiis, provident quidem soluta velit voluptatem.
Client: Personal Project

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Getting started with Node JSGetting started with Node JS
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad aperiam aspernatur commodi cum cupiditate delectus deleniti distinctio illo impedit ipsam, iusto neque obcaecati officiis possimus praesentium sed voluptas? Eveniet, quibusdam
Language: English
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Published date: 05.02.2015

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